Order of the White Scarf

The White Scarf is given for outstanding ability in rapier combat in accordance with the Treaty of the White Scarf: courteous and chivalrous behavior, service, and teaching. The order's symbol is a white scarf, worn at the left shoulder or above the left elbow.

The Order confers an Grant of Arms to the bearer, if they do not have one already, and ranks equal in the order of precedence as the Lochac Company of Archers and higher in precedence than other varieties of grants of arms. Elevation to this Order shall confer upon the holders a Grant of Arms, if that person is not already a holder of a Grant of Arms. All bearers of Grants of Arms are entitled to be addressed as The Honourable Lord / Lady / Noble. They also get the honourific of Lordship or Ladyship, there is not yet a gender neutral honourific. This order is no longer taking new members.

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